(719) 544-9897
United Hebrew Center of Pueblo
A Traditional Synagogue for All
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.
~ Isaiah 56:7
Services at UHC
Our services are open to all who wish to pray with us, regardless of background! our services are egalitarian and offer plenty of chances for congregation participation. We pray in both Hebrew and English, with plenty of raucous singing!
The siddur (prayer book) we use includes transliteration (Hebrew in English letters). If you have questions or would like someone to help you navigate through a service we would be happy to help!
Please note, not all services at UHC include a full Torah service (taking out a Torah scroll and reading from it). Whether there will be a Torah service is dependent on whether or not we have a minyan (a quorum of 10 Jewish adults). If you can help us make minyan, please contact us!
All services and programs at UHC are open to all, regardless of background or membership status.
Different membership levels are offered for Full Members (members who are Jewish) and Associate Members (members who are not Jewish).
If you wish to support United Hebrew Center by becoming a member, please contact Ellen or David using the emails below.
Ellen- ellen@ekrus.org
David- dbisrael123@gmail.com